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clip's PlaceholderAPI


Requires Triton v1.1.0 or later.

Triton supports clip's PlaceholderAPI since version 1.1.0, which means it you can using in situations where Triton doesn't work natively.
Keep in mind that you aren't able to use variables when using clip's PlaceholderAPI.

Using PlaceholderAPI is the recommended way to translate scoreboards.

To use it, simply use the following placeholder: %triton_key% where key is the key of the message you want to get.

Here are some examples on how to use this integration:

  • Using Triton Placeholders: [lang]chat.test.0[/lang]
    Using PlaceholderAPI: %triton_chat.test.0%

  • Using Triton Placeholders: [lang]some_plugin_message[/lang]
    Using PlaceholderAPI: %triton_some_plugin_message%

  • Using Triton Placeholders: [lang]message.with.arguments[args][arg]some argument[/arg][/args][/lang]
    Using PlaceholderAPI: not supported

Using variablesโ€‹

While variables are not directly supported, you can use multiple placeholders to replicate the desired behaviour.


%triton_placeholder1% some argument %triton_placeholder2%

Relative placeholdersโ€‹

Plugins such as DeluxeChat support relative placeholders, which involve two players (e.g. the one who sends the message, and the one who sees the message).
You might want to use PlaceholderAPI with Triton to show the messages in the receiver's language.

For that, just use %rel_triton_translation.key%, where translation.key is the key of the translation you want (i.e. the one you set on TWIN).

Using in translationsโ€‹

Looking to use PlaceholderAPI inside translations? Check out the Translations documentation.