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Bulk translating with the generator tool

What is the Triton Generator Tool?โ€‹

The Triton Generator Tool is a web based tool that allows you to upload various variants of a configuration files and automatically generate a collection and the original file but with placeholders.

The tool is completely open source, so feel free to contribute.

Generated collections repositoryโ€‹

The community maintains a repository with already generated collections for some plugins.
Follow the instructions in the README file on how to add them to your server.

If you want to add a new plugin to the list, open a PR or request an addition.

Generating your own collectionsโ€‹

Open the tool, either on the official website or hosted on your machine.

You'll be presented with the following interface:

Generator tool interface

Here's what everything means:

  • Prefix: When creating the translations, this will be prepended to the item key. If this has triton. and the config file has the field, the final item key will be It's recommended to use pluginName..
  • Variable Regex: The regex expression that matches the variables in that config file. For example, Essentials uses {0}, {1}, etc as their variables, so you'd put {\d} in this field. Other plugins might use %player% or similar, so that'd be %\w+%. Play around with these values to see what works best for you. Leave empty if you have no variables.
  • Original Output Type: You'll most likely want to leave this as default, but if you're translating using PlaceholderAPI, you can select the output to use that instead.
  • Ignored Keys: A list of regex expressions (one per line) that match the keys you don't want to be translated. Some plugins have either other configuration or content where you can't use placeholders (like signs). You can use this field to tell the generator to ignore these and leave them as they are.
  • Input Files: The original files to get the translations from. The files should be named after the languages they're in. For instance, en_GB.yml, pt_PT.yml, etc. The file name will be used as a language in the collection file. Another important thing to keep in mind is that the first file will be the main language, that is, where the ignored keys will be fetched from. Make sure all the files have the same file extension.

After filling in all the information, click the "Convert" button. Two files will be downloaded to your computer: the collection file (output.json) and the original file with the content replaced by placeholders (original.<file extension>).


Some browsers, like Chrome, will block multiple downloads from the same site. Click on "Accept" when the permission request comes up.

Closing notesโ€‹

This tool is still in development, and all feedback and contributions are appreciated.
If you have any issues using this tool, ask for help in our Discord server.